主要学习经历(专科以上)和主要工作经历:1963.8至1967.7 清华大学 热工量测及自动控制专业读本科(其他资料缺失)
[1] Xu D P, Zhang X F, Liu Y B. Overview of relevant control problems of wind turbines., Electric Power, 2005,38 (4), pp 70-4. (EI检索);
[2] Xu D P, Yang J F, Zhai Y J, Han P. On-line identification algorithm based on SVR's limited memory and its application Power Engineering, 25(5), October, 2005, pp 680-684(EI检索);
[3] 张新房,徐大平,吕跃刚,柳亦兵. 大型变速风力发电机组的自适应模糊控制. 系统仿真学报. 2004,16(3),PP: 573-577. (EI检索);
[4] Zhang X F, Xu D P, Liu Y B. Adaptive Optimal Fuzzy Control for Variable Speed Fixed Pitch Wind turbines. The 5th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation. Hongzhou, Zhejiang, China. 2004, Vol(3), PP:2481-2485. (EI检索);
[5] Zhang X F, Xu D P, Liu Y B. Predictive Functional Control of a Doubly Fed Induction Generator for Variable Speed Wind Turbines. The 5th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation. Hongzhou, Zhejiang, China. 2004, Vol(4), PP:3315-3319.(EI检索);
[6] Zhang X F, Xu D P, Liu Y B. Intelligent control for large-scale variable speed variable pitch wind turbines. Journal of Control Theory and Applications. 2004. 2 (3), pp 305-11. (EI检索);
[7] 张新房, 徐大平. 风力发电机组的变论域自适应模糊控制. 控制工程. 2003,10(4),PP:342-345. (EI检索);
[8] 张新房, 徐大平, 柳亦兵. 定桨距变速风力发电机组的控制策略研究. 华北电力大学学报. 2004, 31(5),PP: 37-43. (EI检索);
[9] Yang J F, Zhai Y J, Wang D F, Xu D P. Time series prediction based on support vector regression. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2005, 25 (17), pp110-114.(EI检索);
[10] Peng L, Xu D P, Liu Y B . Study of fault diagnosis model based on multi-class wavelet support vector machines ICMLC 2005, pp 4319-4321(EI检索);
[11] Zhai Y J, Yang J F, Xu D P; Han P; Wang D F. Prediction of coordination systems in fossil fired power plants by using sequential minimal optimization, Power Engineering, 2005, 25 (6), pp 849-854(EI检索);
[12] Peng L, Xu D P, Liu Y B, Qiu Q R. Method of fault diagnosis on multilayer BP wavelet networks and its applications. Source: Proceedings of 2004 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2004, pp: 3296-3299(EI检索);
[13]Yang X Y, Xu D P, Liu Y B, Han X J.Study on strategy of superheated steam temperature control using multi-model predictive functions, Power Engineering, 2005, 25( 4), pp 537-540(EI检索);
[14] Zhang X F, Xu D P, Lv Y G, Liu Y B .Research of embedded controller based on the Windows CE 3.0., Computer 2003,Measurement & Control, 11 (6), pp:458-61(EI检索);
[15]Yang X Y, Xu D P, Han X J, Zhou H N. Predictive functional control with modified Elman neural network for reheated steam temperature , 005 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, pp:699-4703(EI检索);
[16] Sun J P , Xu D P, Song Z P, Li P . sabilization and hybrid PID control for first-order unstable system with time delay. Journal of North China Electric Power University, 2002,29 ( 1)., pp 16-20(EI检索);
[17] 杨锡运, 徐大平. 一种模糊神经网络学习算法:移动小论域法 《系统仿真学报》,2002年第8期,pp: 992-994 (EI检索);
[18] Yang X Y, Xu D P. A fuzzy neural network controller with simplified rules.Journal of System Simulation, 200315(7), pp1034-1035 (EI检索);
[19] Yang X Y, Xu D P. A hybrid qualitative and quantitative control method.Control Theory and Applications, 2004, 21(1), pp 81-84(EI检索);
[20] 杨锡运, 徐大平. 一种键图模型控制法的研究 《华北电力大学学报》 2003年第2期,pp: 45-48(EI检索);
[21] Yang X Y, Xu D P. A design of fuzzy neural network control with decoupling for ball mill system. Preprints in IFAC workshop on new technologies for automation of metallurgical industry 2003,China, pp: 47-51 (ISTP收录).;
[22] Xu D P, Yang X Y. Small dynamic universe algorithm of fuzzy neural network identifier. Preprints in IFAC workshop on new technologies for automation of metallurgical industry 2003,China, pp: 333-337 (ISTP收录);
[23] 杨锡运, 徐大平. 一种控制系统实时仿真装置 《自动化仪表》 2002年第5期,31-34;
[24] Zhang X F, Xu D P, Yang X Y. A design of neural network decoupling and inverse control for boiler-turbine. Preprints in IFAC Symposium on Power Plants & Power Systems Control 2003,Korea, pp: 1241-1245;
[25] Zhang X F, Xu D P. Adaptive Fuzzy Control for Variable Speed Variable Pitch Wind Turbines. IFAC Symposium on Power Plants & Power Systems Control. Seoul, Korea, 2003, Vol(1), PP:545-550;
[26] 张新房, 徐大平, 柳亦兵. 大型变速风力发电机组控制系统研究. 中国电机工程学会第八界青年学术会议论文集. PP:1080-1086。
获奖情况:获省部级以上社会科学、自然科学成果奖和省部级以上优秀教学成果奖以及其他荣誉称号。国家863目标项目“先进控制策略在大型火电机组DCS中的应用及控制软件包的开发”, 2001年获国家电力公司科技进步二等奖和北京市科技进步二等奖。